The 9-Hole Peg Test is a standardized test used to assess finger dexterity.
Supplies Needed
Peg board
Bowl or container
How to administer:
To administer the 9-Hole Peg Test, begin by setting up the peg board in front of the client. Place a bowl or container next to the peg board on the same side as the hand you are assessing. Make sure you test the client’s dominant hand first.
Once everything is set up you will proceed to read the test’s instructions to the client. The 9-Hole Peg Test is a standardized assessment, so it requires that the same instructions need to be read exactly to each client performing the test. Failure to do this will result in invalid results.
The test will involve the client picking up wooden pegs from the container and placing them in the holes on the peg board as quickly as possible. Once all the holes are filled, the client will then remove them as quickly as they can and place them back in the container. They will perform a practice test and then proceed to the actual test. You will time them for each.
Once the instructions are read, you will prompt the client to begin the test. Start your timer as soon are you tell the client to begin. While the client is performing the test, you may tell them to go faster. Stop the timer as soon as their last peg is out of the board and in the bowl.
Once you complete the test with their dominant hand, you will then proceed to test their non-dominant hand using the same instructions. Once both hands are assessed, you will then determine the client’s percentile rank base on their age, gender, and speed for right and left hands.
Nine Hole Peg Test Instructions
Peg board centered in front of person.
The container next to the board on the same side as hand being assessed.
Dominant hand tested first.
“Pick up the pegs one at a time, using your right (or left) hand only, and put them into the holes in any order until the holes are filled. Then, remove the pegs one at a time and return to the container. Stabilize the peg board with your left (or right) hand. This is a practice test. See how fast you can put all of the pegs in and take them out again. Are you ready? GO!!
“This will be the actual test. The instructions are the same. Work as quickly as you can. Are you ready? GO! [During the test] “Faster!” [As soon as the last peg is in the board] “Out again…faster!”
Has to been done exactly as the test reads or the results are invalid.
You’re allowed to tell them to go faster.
You’ll determine what percentile they’re in.
Start with dominant hand then non-dominant hand.